String teachers in Northern Dordogne?

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String teachers in Northern Dordogne?

Message par Sophistry » mar. avr. 03, 2007 12:31 pm

Hi - I'm new to the forum - recommended to me by Piaffe at the Internet Cello Society (thanks, Piaffe!). My French is apalling at the moment, so for speed I'll write in English for now. I will have to improve my French, though, as we are 98% sure we will be moving to the Perigord Vert at the end of summer. My kids are panicking and I'm panicking and one thing we will all miss is our music lessons / teachers.javascript:emoticon(':cry:')
Crying or Very sad

I have been playing cello for two years and am just about to take my ABRSM Grade 5 over here. My son plays violin and is taking his Grade 4 soon. We both also play in an amateur orchestra which we enjoy very much. Can anyone help with cello / violin teachers anywhere near the area we are looking to move to? We will probably be somewhere around Riberac / Brantome, possibly Lanouaille, but Northern Dordogne anyway.

Any contacts in this area would be greatly appreciated. I hope to be able to read / write in French in the future!


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Message par Fabienne » mar. avr. 03, 2007 3:07 pm

You're welcome :welcome:
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Se borne à ne pas trop emmerder ses voisins"

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Message par doMi » mar. avr. 03, 2007 5:51 pm

Hi and welcome !
You mentioned the ABRSM. What do you think about it? Curious to hear your opinion ;)
"Quand on retire ce qu'on a dit, il reste toujours tout ce qu'on n'a pas dit..." Philippe Geluck

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Message par L' » mar. avr. 03, 2007 7:02 pm

Hi Sophistry,

Welcome on this website (and welcome in France if you do !)
I'll try to find some informations for you.
But you can first visit the "Ecole Nationale de Musique de Dordogne" website :
Modifié en dernier par L' le mar. avr. 03, 2007 11:04 pm, modifié 1 fois.

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Message par opus102 » mar. avr. 03, 2007 7:12 pm

Sophistry I envy you coming to Dordogne.

There is a music school in Brantome, and in Perigueux if you don't mind driving. Just have a look on Google. (Ecole de musique)

If you need some translations, don't hesitate to come to us.

Good luck and keep in touch with

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Enregistré le :mar. avr. 03, 2007 12:23 pm

Thank you!

Message par Sophistry » mer. avr. 04, 2007 11:48 pm

Thank you all so much - you've made me feel very welcome! I don't suppose I will have much time to spend here over the next few months, but I will try to drop in from time to time. Thanks especially to Opus 102 and l'oncle Olive - I will get to work on your suggestions straight away - it will help my two if they know they can at least read the same music as the French kids! There are obviously some differences though - I think I've seen the note names are different in French and things like 'major' and 'minor' will have different names - now I'm going to have to look them up!

Domi 17 - ABRSM - well I don't really have much of an opinion worth hearing. I only use ABRSM for the exams. I've just always used them as they are the most highly regarded in this country. If, for instance, a student applied for a place in a conservatoire and had not taken the ABRSM exams but Trinity instead, I don't think they would be taken as seriously. I could be wrong - but every good music teacher I've come across in the UK puts their students in for ABRSM. Why do you ask?

Regards to you all

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Message par doMi » jeu. avr. 05, 2007 5:48 pm

Thanks Sophistry, well i was just asking cuz i'm also gonna take my exam there, so that's fine if these exams are considered as well reliable. :wink:
"Quand on retire ce qu'on a dit, il reste toujours tout ce qu'on n'a pas dit..." Philippe Geluck

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Enregistré le :mar. avr. 03, 2007 12:23 pm

ABRSM in France?

Message par Sophistry » jeu. avr. 05, 2007 7:13 pm

Just wondering if it's possible to take ABRSM exams in France? My husband promised me a new cello 'when I pass my Grade Six' (fat chance!), but I was aiming to try and do that next year. Now it looks as though I'll be stuck with my student cello forever unless I can take the exam in France.
I've been in contact with someone from the Music School and hopefully we'll be able to get some lessons there.
Thanks again, everyone!

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Enregistré le :sam. janv. 13, 2007 6:59 pm

Message par L' » jeu. avr. 05, 2007 11:20 pm

Hi Sophistry !

I got two links for you :

about Riberac and Brantome music school. (or near Brantome)
If any difficulties with these french website, tell us ! :D

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Re: ABRSM in France?

Message par doMi » ven. avr. 06, 2007 12:05 am

Sophistry a écrit :Just wondering if it's possible to take ABRSM exams in France?
Sure! You can take your exams in 19 different countries ;). Good luck!
"Quand on retire ce qu'on a dit, il reste toujours tout ce qu'on n'a pas dit..." Philippe Geluck

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Enregistré le :mar. avr. 03, 2007 12:23 pm


Message par Sophistry » sam. avr. 07, 2007 4:49 pm

That's really good news - my son's really keen to continue to Grade 8 and I was feeling kinda sad thinking that he wouldn't be able to.
Haven't heard from the guy I emailed at Excideuil music school yet - but then it is the Easter holidays so I'm not surprised. We live in quite a touristy part of Devon and it's sooo crowded here at the moment - can't move in the shops or roads. I guess it's going to be the same in the Dordogne from now on?